In-orbit services for small satellites.


Powered by our spacevan™

The spacevan™ is a space-to-space vector using Exotrail's expertise in electric propulsion systems to access a large range of orbits. Designed in-house with flexibility in its DNA, it offers the necessary performance to accommodate a wide range of payloads and missions.

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We are flight proven

We have reached new heights with our spacevan™ mission 001 reaching space! Our first vehicle flew on SpaceX Transporter 9 in Nov 2023, and within a few months, we succeeded in demonstrating our services and capabilities. With the release on its orbit of an 8U CubeSat to the benefit of Airbus we successfully showcased our spacedrop™ service.

Enabling our customer Veoware to perform in-orbit demonstration of its new CMG underlined the relevance and maturity of our spacehost™ service. Last but not least, we demonstrated both spacevan's mobility capabilities and Exotrail satellite operation excellency – thanks to the successful firings of Exotrail's in-house propulsion systems, the spaceware™ thrusters, and our in-house software suite and talents. The Exotrail team is very proud to have successfully delivered, right from the very first mission

A robust platform covering a wide range of missions

Our spacevan™ LEO offers a spacious payload bay of 1m x 1m, compatible with a wide range of payloads.

With a delta-V of 500 m/s, the spacevan™ brings exceptional maneuverability capabilities in orbit, enabling altitude and inclination changes as well as RAAN phasing.

With electrical propulsion tapping on the 800W power capacity only during boosts, the spacevan™ is able to embark energy-intensive applications.

performance capabilities

spacevan™ Gen 2
Payload capacity
200 kg
Payload bay surface
1224 mm (Y) x 925 mm (Z)
Payload maximum height
up to 1000mm depending on fairing allowable volume
Thrust 28 mN, ISP 1100s
Solar Panel power
Delta V
Flight DOmain
400km to 1000km
40° to 100° inclination
Maximum reachable altitude
Maximum obtainable inclination
RAAN shift in SSO (15° = 1h LTAN)
1-hour LTAN change in 3 months
Cube sat
Up to 16U
8” ring, 15” ring
Pointing performance
Slew rate 1°/sec x-axis 1°/s y-axis 5°/s z-axis  
AKE = 0.12° @3sigma  
APE = 0.5° @3sigma
Power available for customer
400w max
Data 5Mbps (S-band) downlink
50kbps (S-band) TM/TC
Nominal lifetime
1 year
Mission #02
Mission #03

The first Exotrail spacevan™ GEO will launch in late 2026 aboard Ariane 6, carrying different payloads from GTO to GEO orbits during its demonstration mission.

performance capabilities

spacevan™ Gen 1
spacevan™ Gen 1.1
Orbital range
GTO orbit CSG 250km, 6° INC

GEO + 300km
GTO 250km, 6° INC

GEO ± 300km
Payload volume
Max 50 x 50 x 50 cm
GTO 250km, 6° INC

GEO ± 300km
Payload capacity
Up to 50 kg
Up to 150 kg
Delta V
~2200 m/s
~2200 m/s
Thrust 120 mN, ISP 1500 s

Thruster head is vectorized inside a 20° cone angle.
Thrust 120 mN, ISP 1500 s

Thruster head is vectorized inside a 20° cone angle.
Attitude control
Inertial 3 axis attitude

Slew rate: 1°/s x-axis, 1°/s y-axis, 5°/s z-axis
APE 0.1°/s @3σ

AKE 0.05°/s @3σ, Stability 0.001°/s
Inertial 3 axis attitude

Slew rate: 1°/s x-axis, 1°/s y-axis, 5°/s

APE 0.1°/s @3σ

AKE 0.05°/s @3σ, Stability 0.001°/s
1kW max
1.5kW max
8kb/s (S-band) Down

8kb/s (S-band) Up
S-Band, 5Mbps X-Band
Few months in GEO
Up to 1 year in GEO
launch timeline

Our industrial expertise

We rely on all the required means to sustain the development of our products, be it for propulsion or servicing satellites. With a strong innovative spirit inherited from our early phases, we gear up to grow our industrial company.

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Our operations expertise

Mastering the operations of our in-orbit assets is a strategic component of our vision of space logistics. Exotrail has built its own satellite control center and handles all aspects of end-to-end space operations, from design to optimization.

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